
ABELL, Catharine, Philosophy Aesthetic (Manchester University)

AROKAY, Judit, Japonology (University of Heidelberg)

AVOCAT, Eric, French Literature (University of Osaka)

BAETENS, Jan, Narratology, media (Université de Leuven)

BAREIS, J. Alexandre, Literature, Narratology (University of Lund)

BARONI, Raphaël, Narratology ( Université de Lausanne)

BOILLAT, Alain, Cinéma (Université de Lausanne)

BOUCHERON, Patrick, History (Collège de France)

BOYD, Brian, Literature, Narratology (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

BRICK, Louise, Literature (Aarhus Centre for Fictionality Studies, Danemark)

CHICHE, Didier, French/Comparative Literature (University Kônan, Kobé)

CORREARD, Nicolas, Comparative Literature (Université de Nantes)

COVA, Florian, Philosophy (University of Geneva)

CURRIE, Grégory, Philosophy, narratology (University of York)

DECOUT, Maxime, Auteur de En toute mauvaise foi (Paris, Minuit, 2015) ; Pouvoirs de l'imposture (Paris, Minuit, 2017);

DELUERMOZ, Quentin, Histoire (Université Paris 13)

DJIKIC, Maja, Psychology (University of Toronto)

DUPRAT, Anne, Comparative Literature (Université d’Amiens)

ENGEL, Pascal, Philosophy (EHESS, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales)

EVRON, Nir, English Literature (University of Tel Aviv)

FERRÉ, Vincent, Comparative Literature (Université Paris Est Créteil)

FRANZEN, Johannes, Literature (University of Freiburg)

FÜLÖP, Erika, Literature, Narratology (University of Lancaster)

GARCIA, Victoria, Literature (Universitad de Buenos Aires)

GARCÍA-CARPINTERO, Manuel, Philosophy (University of Barcelona)

GEFEN, Alexandre, French Literature (CNRS PARIS 3)

GERRIG, Richard, Psychology (Stony Brook University)

GOLDSTEIN, Thalia R., Psychology (George Mason University)

GREEN, Melanie, Psychology (University of Buffalo)

GUELTON, Bernard, Art History (Université Paris 1)

HARRIS, Paul, Psychology (Harvard University)

HAUTCOEUR, Guiomar, Comparative Literature (Université Paris 7)

IVERSEN, Stefan, Literature (Aarhus Centre for Fictionality Studies, Danemark)

IWAMATSU, Masahiro, English Literature ( Kwansei Gakuin University)

JACOBS, Arthur, Neuroscience (Frei Universität Berlin)

KAWADA, Manabu, Theories of fiction ( Kyoto University of Art & Design)

KJERKEGAARD, Stefan, Literature (Aarhus Centre for Fictionality Studies, Danemark)

KORTHALS ALTES, Henriette, Literature, Narratology (University of Essex)

KRAGLUND, Rikke Andersen, Literature (Aarhus Centre for Fictionality Studies, Danemark)

KUKKONEN, Karin, Literature, Narratology (University of Oslo)

LEDESMA, Pablo Jerónimo

LOUIS, Annick, Comparative Literature (Université de Reims, EHESS)

MAR, Raymond A., Psychology (York University)

MARIANI, Maria-Anna, Italian Literature (University of Chicago)

MATRAVERS, Derek, Philosophy (Cambridge University)

MILOVZOROVA, Natacha, Literature (University of Paris 3/Centre Pompidou)

MUELLER, Simone, Japonology (Research Associate ERC Advanced Grant “Time in Medieval Japan” Asien- Orient-Institut, Universität Zürich)

MURAVIEVA, Larissa, Literature, Narratology (Université de Saint-Petersbourg)

MURZILLI, Nancy, Literature, Philosophy ( Université Paris VIII )

McHALE, Brian, Literature, Narratology (University of Ohio State)

OGASHIWA, Hirotoshi, Literature (Kyoto University of the Arts)


OURA, Yasusuke, French Literature (Institute of research on Humanities Un. Kyoto)

PATRON, Sylvie, Narratology (Université Paris 7)

PAVEL, Thomas, Comparative Literature, Narratology (University of Chicago)

PELLETIER, Jerôme, Philosophy, Cognitive Sciences (Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris)

PHELAN, James, English and American fiction (Ohio State University)

PIOLINO, Pascale, Neurosciences (Université Paris V)

POSTEL, Philippe, Comparative Literature, China (Université de Nantes)

RAABY GAMMELGAARD, Lasse, Literature (Aarhus, Centre for Fictionality Studies, Danemark)

RENAULD, Marion, philosophy, artist (Independant)

RYAN, Marie-Laure, Narratology (Independant)


SAITO, Sho, German Literature and Philosophy (University of Tokyo)

SARAMAGO, Victoria, Brazilian Literature (University of Chicago)

SINGAVARELOU, Pierre, History (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne)

SMITH, Murray S., Cinema (University of Kent, England)

STOCK, Kathleen, Philosophy, Art History (University of Sussex)

STRUVE, Daniel, Japonology (Université Paris 7)

TEULADE, Anne, Comparative Literature (Université Rennes II)

TOPUZIAN, Marcelo, Literature (UBA, Universidad de Buenos Aires)

VEDDA, Miguel, Literature, French, German (UBA, Universitad de Buenos Aires)

VILAR, Mariano, Renaissance Literature (UBA, Universidad de Buenos Aires)

VINCENT, Charles, French Literature (Université de Lille)

VOLTOLINI, Alberto, Philosophy, theory of Language (University of Turin)

WAGNER, Franck, Narratology ( Université de Rennes)

WALSH, Richard, Narratology ( Université de Rennes)

WEISBERG, Deena, Psychology (Villanova University, Pennsylvanie, USA)

YINDE, Zhang, Comparative Literature China (Université Sorbonne nouvelle)

YOSHIKI, Hidaka, Japanese Literature (Nara University of Education)

ZETTERBERG-NIELSEN, Henrik Skov, Narrative Research, Aarhus University

ZHANG, Yinde, Comparative Literature China (Université Sorbonne nouvelle)

ZIPFEL, Frank, Comparative Literature (University of Mainz)

ZUNSHINE, Lisa, English Literature (University of Kentucky)
