Florian COVA

Maître-Assistant, Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives, Université de Genève (Suisse)


Discipline : Philosophie, Psychologie

Domaines de recherches : Philosophie expérimentale, éthique, esthétique

Choix de publications

Cova, F. & Pain, N. (2012). Can folk aesthetics ground aesthetic realism? The Monist, 95(2), 243-263

Cova, F. & Teroni, F. (2015). Le paradoxe de la fiction : le retour. In M. Rueff and J. Zanetta (Eds.), L’Expression des Emotions : Mélanges en l’honneur de Patrizia Lombardo. Université de Genève

Cova, F. & Garcia, A. (2015). The puzzle of multiple endings. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 73(2), 105-114

Cova, F., Garcia, A. & Liao, S. (2015). Experimental philosophy of aesthetics. Philosophy Compass, 10, 927-939

Cova, F. & Teroni, F. (2016). Is the paradox of fiction soluble in psychology? Philosophical Psychology, 29(6), 930-942

Cova, F., Deonna, J. & Sander, D. (in press). “That’s deep!”: The role of Being Moved and feeling of profundity in the appreciation of serious narratives. In T. Blake & D.R. Wehrs (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Affect Studies and Textual Criticism

Cova, F. & 45 authors (in press). De pulchritudine non est disputandum? A cross-cultural investigation of the alleged intersubjective validity of aesthetic judgment. Mind & Language.

Cova, F. & Friend, S. (forthcoming). How does fiction elicit emotions? In J. Campbell (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Emotion Theory.Wiley-Blackwell.